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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Repair DSG Mechatronic Unit - Guide on How to repair Mechatronic unit Part 1 and 2

I decided to share with the rest of you how to repair the mechatronic units on the DSG6.
To be able to repair your own Mechatronic unit for the DSG6 DQ250 , you will need a few tools.
  • A small flat screwdriver
  • Screwdriver with T20 bit
  • Gloves
  • A Dremmel or any small cutting tool with a rotary blade.
  • Some masking tape
  • Silicone (the one used in cars for the windshield)
  • Soldering tools and skills.
  • Voltmeter
For the part one I will demonstrate on how to test the DSG Mechatronic unit and its solenoids and how to actually open up the unit and check for damage on the PCB inside the TCM.

First thing you will need is PATIENCE and some steady hands :) Also if you do not have any soldering skills or did not tried to solder before , then this is not the DIY for you, and you can stop here.

Find a CLEAN spot on your garage bench or inside your house and prepare to test the DSG Solenoids with a voltmeter as show in the video bellow. If everything is ok on the outside then you can proced to the next steps and CUT the cover of your unit in order to reach the PCB and the wiring inside.

Please watch the video and leave any questions if you have, I will try to answer the best I can.


I have decided to release also Part 2 of DSG DQ250 Mechatronic Repair guide :